Thursday, 26 May 2011

It's good to be back in the bloggersphere!

What an age since I last sat down to update this blog! I am ashamed to look at the date of the last newsflash.

Life has moved on and I am endeavouring to get some new products out there via my shop. It has taken off beautifully, and I am indebted to the team over in the office for all their hard work on the marketing side, taking the pressure off me and allowing me to concentrate on the sewing. I do very little to promote the products, and yet the orders come flowing in. If you can afford the investment then I would certainly recommend applying to become a partner. It has given me the confidence to think that one day, when the time is right, I could take this project from the dining-room-table workshop to a larger enterprise.

I have also signed up to which has gone live in the last couple of days. An excellent forum for forces 'dependants' (like me) to promote our business enterprises or valuable skills, thus making it easier to promote and develop our abilities in a world where our careers come a very definite second-place to the demands of life as an Army/Navy/RAF wife or partner. Do take a look, particularly at BishopMarineArt in the artists section. My talented father-in-law.

A short missive this time as we are in the throes of another house-move and I must get down to the nitty gritty of sorting out my endless fabric supplies. New products to post up very soon!